I wanted to create something simple yet cute with items that I was able to find around the house.
Carrier Oil (EVOO/Almond)
Essential oil

Preheat oven to 200 degrees Gather some twigs
Line a baking sheet with parchment paper
Place twigs on the sheet, keeping separate.
Bake at 200 for an hour
Remove sheet and allow to cool
Taking your peeler, peel the top later of the twig and set aside.
Place 1/4 cup of your carrier oil and 2 TBSP of the essential oil of your choice, into your jar. Put the twigs in the jar for about 10 minutes then flip the twigs and allows the top part to submerge in the oil. Rotate the twigs every 3-5 days.
These should last about 6 weeks.

Have fun with it. Gathering twigs outside will help with slowing down a bit. Moving your body while allowing yourself to get out of your head a bit.
I love to look at my creative little projects and smile, knowing how much it helped me to gather my thoughts and calm my body.
